Emerson Hospital

Pain Management

Pain Management See More
​​If chronic pain is compromising your quality of life, relief is as close as Emerson Hospital in Concord. We offer comprehensive pain management services at the Emerson Spine Center.

Here, a team of board-certified pain specialists perform interventional pain procedures in Emerson’s Clough Surgical Center. Our team also offers an array of other pain management techniques.

The types of pain we treat at Emerson Hospital

Emerson Hospital not only offers non-surgical or minimally invasive pain management for spinal issues but also for a wide range of pain conditions, including: 
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Diabetes-related pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • HIV-related pain
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Ischemic-related pain
  • Myofascial pain
  • Neurogenic pain
  • Post-herpetic neuralgia
  • Post-laminectomy pain
  • Post-mastectomy pain
  • Post-operative pain
  • Post-thoracotomy pain
  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
  • Sciatica
  • Shingles


The first step in successful pain treatment is to pinpoint the cause. Emerson’s pain specialists perform a comprehensive initial evaluation, and MRI exams can often localize the source of the pain.


Today’s pain relief options are extensive and can include:
  • Spinal stimulation, in which a permanent, pacemaker-like device delivers pain-relieving impulses that reduce the sensation of pain 
  • Specialized pain management techniques for cancer pain; one approach uses a tiny, implantable device to deliver medicine directly to the spine, avoiding side effects such as nausea
  • Therapeutic injections, including epidural steroid, trigger point, facet joint, nerve root block and other injections into the area causing pain
  • Facet joint radiofrequency ablation
  • Physical therapy
  • Oral medications including anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), analgesics, muscle relaxants, oral steroids or nerve pain medication

Alternative therapies for pain management

Emerson Hospital also offers a wide array of complementary therapies for pain control. Also known as integrative therapies, complementary therapies are non-medical treatments that augment standard medical care. In addition to experiencing pain relief, patients who use complementary therapies report less pain and anxiety. 

Patients with a variety of medical concerns use complementary therapies to reduce stress and to relieve nausea and other symptoms. Emerson offers complementary therapies for:


Reiki, aromatherapy and hypnobirthing are complementary therapies that are popular with obstetrical patients.


The Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster workshop teaches mind-body techniques that help patients prepare for surgery and recovery; participants in the program report less pain, fewer complications and a faster recovery.


A wide array of complementary therapy services help patients with cancer lessen anxiety and manage the physical and emotional effects of treatments. Acupuncture, for example, has been shown to help control nausea and prevent the fatigue associated with chemotherapy. To ensure that cancer patients have access to massage therapy and acupuncture, the Emerson Auxiliary underwrites these services so they are offered free of charge. 

A multidisciplinary team approach to pain management

The pain management team at Emerson is staffed by board-certified pain specialists, and we work closely with other health professionals, including:
  • Neurosurgeons
  • Nurses
  • Occupational and physical therapists
  • Orthopedic surgeons
  • Physiatrists (doctors who specialize in physical and rehabilitation medicine)
  • Primary care physicians

Learn more about pain management at Emerson Hospital 

To learn more about the pain management options we offer, please call us at 978-287-3194.

For your convenience, Saturday and evening appointments are available.
