Chaplain’s Office

The hospital chaplain is available Monday through Friday 8:30 am through 4:00 pm. Our chaplain has specific training in supporting people from the different Faith Traditions and offers support to hospitalized patients. The chaplain also supervisors and mentors over 50 volunteers who bring pastoral visits to patients.

Requesting a Chaplain

Anyone is welcome to request to see the chaplain at any time during their hospital stay, and the reason does not have to be grave. When you are admitted to your hospital bed, the nurse will ask you during your assessment if you would like a visit from the hospital chaplain. Your answer "yes", will automatically send a referral to the chaplain. You may also dial extension 3015 directly or the chaplain can be paged for you.


Our belief is that it is important to uphold a person's spiritual practice during an illness or hospitalization. For that reason, the Emerson Hospital Pastoral Care/Chaplaincy provides a board-certified healthcare chaplain to its community of patients, families and staff.

Feelings of Emotions During Illness

Those who fall ill can experience new and unfamiliar emotions, which in turn can affect their physical as well as spiritual well being. The chaplain can assess the feelings involved, help to interpret their role and meaning in terms of one's belief system and facilitate a holistic healing process.

Emerson Hospital Chapel

The Emerson Hospital Chapel is located on the third floor and is open to all people 24/7. The Chapel is a place "to come inside" for quiet time of prayer, reading, reflection or meditation. Care Notes for a variety of life's circumstances are provided. Meditation cushions are available and meditation sessions can be arranged.