Health & Wellness

Local Resident Becomes First in State to Be Certified in Dance for Parkinson’s Disease


Susanne Liebich, instructor with The Steinberg Wellness Center at Emerson Hospital, is the first person in Massachusetts to earn a Certification in Dance for Parkinson’s Disease (PD®). Dance for PD classes at the Steinberg Wellness Center invite those with PD and caregivers to experience the benefits and joys of dance while helping to enhance balance, cognition, mobility, depression and physical confidence. 

Private Wellness Treatments Now Available at the Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body


Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to take better care of yourself? Are you aiming to do more self-care this year to promote good health? The Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body at Emerson Hospital is now offering private wellness treatments. Acupuncture, muscular therapy, massage therapy and Tui Na therapies are now available at the beautiful new wellness center located at 310 Baker Avenue in Concord. 

Tai Chi and Qigong Class Starting this January at the Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body


If you or a loved one is looking for a great workout that will improve both mental and physical health, the Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body at Emerson Hospital is offering a Qigong/Tai Chi Combination class this January. Studies have shown that qigong and tai chi help to improve mental health as well as lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of falling. 

Essentrics Classes Starting this Winter for a Full-Body Workout at the Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body


Essentrics classes are available starting in January at the Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body at Emerson Hospital. Essentrics is a full-body workout that rapidly changes the shape of your body through a dynamic combination of strengthening and stretching. The classes are scientifically designed to rebalance the entire muscular skeleton, strengthen and stretch all of our muscles, aid in weight loss, keep joints healthy and increase range of motion while protecting against injury. 

Strength, Balance and Conditioning for Seniors Class Starting this January at the Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body


If you or a loved one is looking for a class that will improve both mental and physical health, the Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body at Emerson Hospital is offering a Strength, Balance and Conditioning for Seniors class this January. 


Yoga For Healthy Aging in the New Year at Emerson's Wellness Center


Have you ever wished you could slow down the aging process? Come learn yoga tools and techniques for a lifetime of healthy living. A brand new evening yoga class, called "Yoga for Healthy Aging" at Emerson Hospital's Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body offers instruction on ways to foster physical, mental and emotional vitality and well-being.

Steinberg Wellness Center offers classes for chronic conditions


People with certain chronic conditions can find several classes catering to their specific needs. Whether you seek relief from pain, want to build strength and flexibility, or are working to regain your health, the Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body has a class for you.

Vaping Use Doubles, While Sleep Decreases Among High School Students Based on Emerson Hospital’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey


Vaping among youth in area public schools has doubled since 2016, according to the results of the 2018 Emerson Hospital Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the largest public school student behavior survey in Massachusetts. In the 2016 survey, 10% of students reported they had vaped. In 2018, that number doubled to 20% of students. The most common substances that youth in grades 6 through 12 report vaping are flavored nicotine and marijuana – both highly addictive substances. 


Stop the Bleed – Save a Life Training on September 5 in Concord


In an emergency or a crisis situation, the help given by an immediate responder can often make the difference between life and death, even before professional rescuers arrive. This free training can help save lives.

Summer safety tips for avoiding heat stroke


Summertime’s high temperatures bring more than just an excuse to head to the beach. They can also lead a person’s body temperature to rise to dangerous levels, also known as heat stroke. Here are some tips to keep you and your family safe from overheating this summer.

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