Behavioral & Mental Health Resources

Help in a Crisis

Access the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988 or chat online at For life threatening emergencies, please call 911.

For help with mental health or substance use call or text 833-773-2445  anytime to reach the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline for urgent evaluation and connection to clinical services, or visit



Crisis Help and Information
This list provides  options for connecting with behavioral health care specialists and/or trained peers during a mental health or substance use crisis. 
Locating Mental Health Care Providers
Finding an available therapist can be challenging. This list outlines some free services that help make the search easier. The area’s Department of Mental Health partners that offer fee for service support, including MassHealth coverage, are also noted.
Adult Peer Support 
This list includes options for adults living with mental health conditions to find support groups, peer-staffed warm lines, day programs, recovery courses, and more, all available at no charge to participants.
Family Support 
Support groups and courses for family members and supporters of people living with mental health conditions are offered free of charge by multiple organizations.
Teens & Young Adults Support 
Call, Text, and Chat services are featured on this list along with area organizations that offer community or information for teens and young adults living with mental health conditions.
Substance Use Support 
This list offers a link to the state database resource that helps locate substance use treatment and recovery services. It also outlines no-fee support group opportunities for those living with substance use challenges and their family members and supporters. Area communities have behavioral health clinicians working with local police who offer Narcan training and distribution.
Criminal Justice
Community support includes behavioral health clinicians working with local police and Mental Health Specialty Court sessions at the Ayer and Concord District Courts. The list also includes links to guides that outline the essentials of the Massachusetts criminal justice system and re-entry services.
Veterans Resources
There are multiple supports designed just for veterans. Options include veteran specialists on the 988 crisis line, a walk in mental health clinic at the VA Hospital in Bedford, and the Home Base clinical program associated with Mass General Hospital. Clear Path for Veterans of New England is a wellness-based community center in Devens, Mass., that helps reconnect veterans to their communities.
New Parents
This list offers local and virtual support group options for perinatal and postpartum parents. Other supports are included to provide guidance during this unique time in life.

The above lists offer information and tools for navigating the Massachusetts behavioral health care system provided by non-profit organizations and Department of Mental Health partners. The lists were developed in cooperation with Emerson Hospital Behavioral Health Care staff and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Central Middlesex.

Additional Local Resources

Visit or use the search box below to find local resources for a wide variety of needs — including food, housing, mental health, childcare, senior care, transportation, and more.