Health & Wellness

Tips for Exercising Outside in the Winter


Despite the cold temperatures, winter is a great time to get outside and exercise. Read tips from a student athlete and learn how to keep safe in the cold weather.

25 Things Teens Can Do This Winter that Are Safe and Fun – and Not on Zoom!


With COVID-19 pandemic protocols in place teenagers will be looking for opportunities to spend their time this winter. Here is a list of 25 activity ideas for teenagers.

COVID-19 or Anxiety?


Emerson's behavioral health team's director of operations provides insight on how to distinguish between symptoms of anxiety and symptoms of COVID-19.

Addiction During COVID-19: Resources and How to Help


During the pandemic, the opportunity for people to become even more addicted to risky behaviors, including the use of alcohol and illegal substances, has grown. Stephanie Stratigos, DO, addiction medicine and director of Emerson’s Addictions Recovery Program, provides some important insight.

52 Safe Family Activities for This Winter


To celebrate the start of this unique winter, we put together 52 ideas for things to do that are fun, creative, and will help keep you and your family safe.

When to See a Doctor About Common Digestive Disorders


Learn about five common digestive disorders — such as constipation, GERD, and ulcers — and when to contact a physician about your symptoms.

Flu Vaccine FAQs


Find answers to your questions about the 2020 flu season. Learn how the flu season is impacted by COVID-19.

10 Tips to Help Teens Reduce Stress


Being a teenager can be stressful, and a global pandemic and upended academic environment just add to the pressure. Here are some stressbuster tips to help teens get back to a more focused, healthy and grounded outlook on life.

Reduce Stress & Anxiety with Mind-Body Connection Tips


Emerson physicians describe how the mind-body connection influences your health as well as offer tips on reducing stress and anxiety plus meditation techniques.

EEE 101: Symptoms and Prevention


Emerson Urgent Care providers explain the EEE virus. Learn what the EEE virus is, symptoms of the virus and prevention methods.

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